Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our funny of the day...

Ok so I stole this idea from my sister Brianne but thought it was too cute to pass up. We were eating dinner last night and here is how our conversation went... Leila-I am going to sleep under my bed tonight. Cole- I can't sleep under my bed, my butt is way too big! I felt bad for him but at the same time it was so hilarious! I almost spit out my bite of food!!


William said...
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Megan said...

So funny! Man, I know how he feels! Ha!

aidanjordan said...

Hahaha! Aww, Cole!

Brianne said...

Awww, poor Coley! Put some risers on his bed so he doesn't feel left out!

lilkimmy06 said...

wow! that's so funny poor coley though!