Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kids say the darndest things...

Roy had to work 2pm-12am tonight on his birthday. We surprised him at work and each kid gave him a balloon that they picked out with a bag of his favorite candy. We were going to eat with him at Subway for his birthday dinner (which is in the HEB shopping center not because we are cheap) but he got really busy and wasn't able to meet us. I told the kids that daddy wasn't going to be able to eat dinner with us because he got tied up at work. Leila and Cole almost started crying. Not because they weren't going to get to eat with daddy but because they thought he literally got tied up at work. They asked me if there was a friend at work that could untie him and asked why anyone would tie daddy up. Then Cole said I bet they used the balloons we gave him to tie him up. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!