Monday, December 29, 2008


I know i just posted a couple of minutes ago but I have some time since the kids are sound asleep and Roy is at work. I just wanted to share our Christmas with you guys. We had a wonderful Christmas! I feel so very blessed! We spent way too much money this year but we got things we needed and things that we just wanted!! We started off the season by making treats for some people in our ward. Then we had a day of snow. A couple of days later Roy's parents, sister, and niece came and spend two nights and one whole day. Then on Christmas Eve I let the kids help me make cookies for Santa. They were so excited to see that Santa actually came and ate all the cookies. Cole was actually a little pissed off because Santa didn't share the cookies. A couple of times on Christmas day Cole kept going over to the fireplace and saying Santa where are you? To this day he stills says I didn't get to see Santa (in a grumpy tone)! Anyway here are our pictures of our special day....

You can't see it very good but Roy got me a pink saphire ring with diamonds on the side. I was very surprised! He also got me a stainless steel dishwasher, a purse, a candle, and an 8 piece pack of glasses.

Roy finally got his riding lawn mower! He also got cologne, dress pants, and a sweater.
The kids sporting their new sun glasses.
Lilly clueless as to what is going on.
Unwrapping fun!
Leila got the reindeer she asked Santa for. She really wanted a real one but Santa said some of the reindeer were sick and he just couldn't spare a reindeer!!

Hello Kitty!!
The kids just found out that they had their own wrapping paper. Leila had Hannah Montana, Cole had Batman, Lilly had Pooh Bear, Roy had Santa paper, and I had Green with Christmas trees on it.
Our tree on Christmas morning. I couldn't figure out how to turn the picture!
My beautiful angels!!
Leaving Santa the cookies and chocolate milk we made for him.

New House

So I am finally getting around to posting pictures of our new house. I had to wait until I had the house clean to take pictures. I just noticed as I was downloading the pictures that I don't have a picture of Cole's bedroom. That will have to be at another time. Cole is sleeping and I don't dare wake him up! It has been a long day!! So here we go......

Dining Room
Leila's room
Lilly's room
Living room
Living room 2
Living room 3
Play room
Master bedroom

Monday, December 15, 2008


I am very proud of myself. Roy's parents, his sister Kristen, and our niece Madison came over for the weekend. I made a turkey, sweet potato casserole, squash casserole, green bean casserole, and stuffing. The turkey was so nasty. Well the turkey was yummy but preparing the turkeywas nasty. I think I will stick to buying turkey breasts instead of a whole turkey. We had alot of fun while they were here! We opened Christmas presents with them. The kids really miss all of their cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents!! I wish we all lived close to each other so we can all play together all of the time!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter wonderland

That is right it snowed about 6 inches in Beaumont last night and stuck! It started snowing at about 10pm last night and the weather channel said it wouldn't stick because it was not cold enough. I woke up at about 5am by a phone call. It was the Beaumont School district. They said there is no school due to snow on the ground. I ran and looked outside and the ground was covered in snow.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bad Day!!!

I am very much stressed right now! We still have not sold our house, I am by myself with the kids, have to constantly keep my house clean (which is very hard to do for someone who hates to clean!), have to keep the yard clean, etc. I got off work yesterday and noticed that I needed to cut the grass. I mow the lawn and then check my phone. I noticed I had two missed calls from a Texas number. I thought to myself oh maybe Ryan tried calling. I called the number back to find out that it was a Houston paramedic who found Roy on the side of the interstate. Roy had another seizure (this time while driving down the interstate). He felt kindof wierd and got scared so he started to slow down and moved to the side of the interstate. He doesn't remember anything after that. So I frantically packed clothes for me and the kids and picked Brianne up and drove to Houston to see Roy. The kids were pretty good cause it was really late when we got to Houston. We get almost to the hospital and there was a gas can that had fallen out of someone's truck in the middle of the interstate so of course it was in my lane and we ran over it. It broke the washer fluid line on my car. Shortly after that I got a call from Roy and he said his debit card was not in his wallet. I thought to myself what else can happen? We picked Roy up and brought him back to his apartment. The police department towed his truck to an impound place and we had to pay $200 to get it out. That really sucked! We are really blessed because all that was wrong with his truck was a scratch on the passenger side and a tire was all scratched up. Oh and a broken window. When the paramedics got to him he was unconcious and his door was locked so they had to break the window open. Although all of this is going on in my life, I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father. I am thankful that no one was hurt and Roy is ok.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just our luck!

Roy got a job with H.E.B. grocery stores in Beaumont, Tx. We put our house up for sale the weekend before Hurricane Gustav. It is now 2 weeks later and now Hurricane Ike hit Beaumont pretty hard. Sister Boyack is our realtor and she told us that someone was interested in our house before the Hurrican but backed off because they don't want to live in a place that has hurricanes. I hate stupid hurricanes!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to work I go!

Today was my first day back to work after having Lilly. I had a lot of mixed feelings about going back to work. I actually had a pretty good day at work and it seems like Lilly adjusted well to the daycare. Cole's teacher at the daycare said that Cole heard Lilly crying and he started crying and saying my Lilly is crying fix her! He is such a sweet boy when he wants to be.

We took Colin to eat at Los Tres Amigos tonight and we dropped him off at one of his friends' house. Cole immediately started crying and said I want Colin to sleep in my bed! It was actually kind of amusing!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Peer Pressure

Hello Everyone! I decided to give in to peer pressure and start a blog. I am pretty horrible at this kind of thing but here we go anyway. The following are pictures of the kids:

Roy would shoot me for posting this picture. Cole insisted on dressing up for the season finale of So You Think You Can Dance.

Leila (3) Cole (2) Lilly (1 week)

Lilly is smaller than Dora! She is by far my smallest baby. She was born June 26, 2008. She weighed 6 lbs. 3oz. and 18 1/4 ".