Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lilly Ann

I cannot believe Lilly will be 8 months old tomorrow! She is growing up way too fast!! She is such a wonderful baby! She loves her Johnny Jump Up! In fact, I think she will start walking before she crawls or even rolls over. That is right she has not started doing either. She hates being on her stomach. She would much rather jump! She will stay in there for hours just jumping and observing.

Lilly feeding herself
working with daddy
enjoying the beautiful day

Playing Catch Up!

Here are some pictures from a couple of weeks ago when we stayed with Roy's parents.

Leila, Cole, Lilly, Roy, and PaPa

These are from when Roy's parents came to visit us.

Roy's Parents

Leila at the fire museum
Cole the firefighter
Leila and Madison at the fire museum's play house.

Roy's parents, sister Kristen, niece Madison, and sister Kimberly came to Beaumont this last weekend and we had so much fun! It was so great to see them again! We didn't really do much but I got to make alot of food. (I love to cook and bake!) On Saturday I made the best spaghetti. I browned ground beef then browned smoked sausage. I sauteed red, yellow, and orange bell peppers and added that to the meat and sausage. Then I added the spaghetti sauce. You have to try it! It is awesome!! For dessert I made lemon bars. Sunday morning I made homemade cinnamon rolls. It brought me back to when I was 11 and helping my parents with our cinnamon roll store TJ Cinnamons. For dinner that night I made a ham, au gratin potatoes, rolls, and steamed broccoli. For dessert I made a chocolate eclair dessert. It is so yummy! On Monday I made banana nut bread, banana nut muffins, and oatmeal pancakes for breakfast. We ate at our favorite restaurant Novroskys and then went downtown to see the Thomas Edison Museum and the world's largest fire hydrant. Ok actually it is now the 3rd largest. It is 24 ft tall. It is pretty amazing! When we got home I made chicken tacos, refried black beans, and corn with key lime pie for dessert. On Tuesday morning I made a breakfast casserole and had a dentist appointment in the morning. After that Roy had a neurologist appointment and Roy's dad drove us to it while his mom watched Leila and Cole. They left shortly after the appointment. :( After they were gone I was so tired but missed them alot! I can't wait until the next time family comes!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week of CRAZINESS!!!

I have had quite the week. It started off really nice! We got to see my sister Brianne and niece Claire, Roy's parents, his sister Kimberly, his brother Jarrod, his aunt and uncle, another one of his aunts, and both sets of his grandparents. We had a fun time going to the park and just visiting. H.E.B. paid for the trip!! Which made it even better!! They wanted Roy to go and research some of the cajun foods that they do not carry that WD does. They are trying to attract the cajun/ Louisiana customer. Now comes the bad part of the week. On our way home Roy got a call from his boss telling him that he had a meeting in Houston the next day. Roy got to looking at his email and saw that H.E.B. is having him drive 2 hours to go to a 1 hour meeting. He knew this was not good. He called another Store Director and he told Roy that they were getting rid of Roy's position in all of the small HEBs. We were really freaked out because he just got hired on at HEB and we just moved here. Well, he went to the meeting and he still has a job he just has to go through a training program for a year and then will be placed at one of the bigger HEBs. So we started to feel a little bit better... until last night. Roy was holding Lilly, Cole was asleep, and Leila was playing with my hair while watching True Beauty. At the very end Roy yelled at me to come and get Lilly. He said it 2 times and I knew something was wrong. I hurried and grabbed Lilly just in time. Roy started to have another seizure. This makes 3 seizures so far. Hopefully the last!! This is the first seizure I actually saw him have. It was the most terrifying experience I have ever had. Roy has Grand Mal seizures were his whole body seizes up. His face got really droopy on one side and was moaning like he was having a stroke. His eyes were bulging out of his head and his head was turning plum purple. He was sitting on the couch and I didn't want him to fall so I told Leila to run and get the phone. She thought he was just playing and started laughing at first. I told her again and finally I got the phone. At that point she knew it was not a joke and ran and got her baby and just stood in the corner holding her baby crying. My poor baby! The fire department came about 5-10 minutes later. At this point Roy had stopped shaking but he was still totally unaware of what was going on. He would go from moaning to sounding like he was snoring or gasping for air and his eyes were still bulged out of his head. He finally regained woke up in the ambulance. This was about 30 minutes after the seizure started. The paramedics were asking him questions and got everything right except where he worked. He knew that he had a family and that he should have to work to support his family but didn't know that he actually worked or where he worked. VERY scary!! One of our neighbors saw what was going on and stayed with Leila and Cole while I went to the hospital with Roy. We got home at around 2am to find that the neighbor cleaned our house for us. She made our bed, picked up some toys, did some laundry, and washed some dishes that were left in the sink. We are very blessed that we have always lived in places with wonderful neighbors!!! Roy is ok now. He is just really sore and clamped down on his tongue pretty bad. He also broke a lot of blood vessels in his face and chest. It looks like he has a black eye. We are having some difficulty getting in to see the neurologist. Very frustrating! And to top the whole week off, I opened my bathroom door only to find about 2 inches of water on the floor. Cole tried to flush a whole roll of toilet paper down the toilet. Dare I ask could my week get any worse?