Sunday, September 6, 2009

Leila's 5th Birthday Celebration

I cannot believe my little girl will be 5 on the 9th. She is growing up WAY too fast! She is such a great big sister and helper. She loves to help me fold clothes. I love this because I hate to fold laundry!! She loves to entertain Lilly for me too! She surprises me everyday! The other day out of the blue she came up to me and spelled moon, star, sun, Leila, Cole, Lilly, Dad, Mom, dog, cat, foot, and a couple of other words. She must figured it out completely on her own because Roy and I have shamefully only taught her how to spell our names. She LOVES to dance. We are going to start dance classes this year. As soon as I get off my butt and register her for dance classes.

We had cake and ice cream to celebrate Leila, Roy, and Madison's birthdays when Roy's parents and sisters came a couple of weeks ago but had a party with her friends yesterday. Leila had such a great 5th birthday party! She wanted to have a princess theme party so I made invitations to send out and told the girls to wear princess dresses and the boys to wear knights costumes if they had them. I made knight's costumes out of grey fleece and gold ribbon. I think they turned out really cute and I think all the boys enjoyed having a costume to wear like the girls. Most of the girls wore their own princess dresses but I had extra princess dresses just in case. The decorations were pretty simple. I decorated all the doorways in the house with 3 different colored crepe paper and pink balloons. I also hung upside down balloons in the entry way.

I planned on having the party outside so we set up 2 tables outside to decorate crowns and swords. It was extremely hot outside and halfway through decorating the crowns it started to thunder. So I decided to go ahead and do all the outside activities first. We played a Snow White apple picking game and hid apples on the fence for the kids to find. I told them that the wicked queen hid a poison apple and they had to find it before Snow White got to it. I think they enjoyed this game.

After the Snow White game we went ahead and did the pinata. We bought a princess pinata (we wanted a dragon so they could slay the dragon but couldn't find one) and filled it with lots of goodies. The kids each took a turn until it fell down and at that point I just ripped it open and spread the candy all over.

While we were doing the pinata Roy and our friend Mike picked up the tables and chairs and brought them inside before it started to rain. I had all the kids come in and we played Kiss the Frog Prince (like pin the tail on the donkey). Roy drew a frog prince on a piece of poster board and I colored it. I cut out lips and wrote names on them. I blind folded each kid and they took a turn putting their lips on the frog trying to get closest to his lips. I think this game was a big hit!! Most of the boys were being silly and wanted to really kiss the frog. It was pretty funny! When the game was done they each got a (Hershey's) kiss back from the frog.

Next the kids all sat at the table and ate a snack of chips, fruit, and juice. Then came the cupcakes. I thought the cupcakes turned out really cute! I bought a cupcake stand from Joanne's Superstore. I just bought a princess pack of cupcake liners and little crowns to go on the top of them.

Leila opened her presents next. I set up the rocking chair that was in Lilly's room as Leila's throne to open presents on. Leila really felt like she was a little princess! I know my kids had a great time at the birthday party and I hope the other kids had fun too!

Leila on her birthday throne opening her presents.
Kiss the Frog Prince
Lilly, Sydney, and Mike enjoying a cupcake
The kids eating their snacks
Leila trying to figure out how to blow out her candle.
The girls decorating their princess crowns.
The boys decorating their crowns.
This is the best picture I got of most of the kids. There are a couple of kids missing.
Leila opening her presents with Nana and Papa.
Madison, Leila, and Roy blowing out their candles.


Brianne said...

That looked like a really fun birthday party! Sorry we weren't able to go. Happy Birthday, Leila!

aidanjordan said...

Looks like it was a hit! The cupcakes, games, and costumes all came out great!!