Wednesday, July 7, 2010

June 2010

We didn't really do much in June. It really went by pretty quick! We stayed home, swam, played, and had a garage sale. Lilly turned 2 on the 26th. I can't believe she is already 2! At about 21 months she started asking to go to the potty. So I started taking her and she does pretty good everyday! She could be totally potty trained if I would make the effort to potty train her. She usually has 1 accident a day and I don't ask her to go to the potty she does it all by herself! She wants to be a big girl so bad! She is such a great helper! She loves to get diapers, wipes, pacifiers, or any other thing we may need for Laurel. She loves her baby sister so much! She is really funny with her. She will walk up to Laurel and make funny faces and baby babbles to make Laurel laugh. Laurel just thinks she is so funny!! We gave Lilly her big present a couple weeks before her birthday. We got her a Dora trike. She loves riding it! We had a birthday party for her on July 3rd. More on that in another post.

Lilly and Laurel
Cole, Lilly, Leila

Lilly's new ride
Cole and Leila's lemonade stand at the garage sale! They wanted to help me with the garage sale and this was the only way I could get them to stay out of the way and not play with the stuff we were selling.

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