We had a wonderful time at my parents house in Utah for vacation! We left on Saturday the 15th and came back on Friday the 21st. It was a very short trip but we had non stop fun!! My mom picked us up from the airport and on the way to her house we stopped by Ryan's apartment to see his family. We ended up going out to eat at Zuppa's. It was so good! They have soups, salads, and sandwiches. I got the California Turkey sandwich and a cup of wild mushroom soup. YUMMY!!! After we ate we just went back to my mom's house and pretty much just went to bed. We were pretty tired!!
Sunday we went to church with my mom and dad and after church Ryan and Adrienne's families came over and we ate roast. The kids had so much fun playing together!
Monday we met Adrienne and the kids at McDonald's and ate lunch. After lunch we went to the Lehi pool. It is a couple of pools with some water slides and a lazy river. Cole was too afraid to go down the big slide but I took Leila down it and she had so much fun! Tristan and Ana came later to swim with us. We didn't stay very long because Adrienne had to go to work and the kids were pretty worn out from swimming! That night we went out to eat at NYPD Pizza with Ryan and Sandra. The pizza was ok and the service was horrible.
Tuesday I went with my mom to her preop appointment. (She had surgery on her knee again this last Monday.) We got back and waited for dad to get off work and then met Tristan and Ana at Costco for a hot dog. Then we took a drive to Cascade Springs in the mountains. It was so beautiful!! The kids had fun looking for waterfalls and looking at all the water made from melted snow. They liked looking for fish in the water too! That night I think all we did was eat chinese chicken salad at my mom's house.
Wednesday we dropped the kids off at Ryan and Sandra's house so we could go to the Salt Lake Temple. It was so beautiful inside!! I was so glad that Sandra babysat for us so we could go, but wish she could have gone too! After the temple we picked up the kids and went to eat at Mimi's with Adrienne and Ryan's families. The kids were soooo crazy! Partly because they told us it was a 30 minute wait and it ended up being more like an hour wait. Ryan and Sandra invited Leila and Cole to spend the night with them that night. It was such a nice break for us. That was the first time they had ever spent the night somewhere else besides Roy's parents house. They had such a fun time with Max and Luke! Leila just adores Mia too!
Thursday we met Sandra and ate at Iceburg in Salt Lake. They have the best milkshakes! After lunch we went to the outlet mall in Park City. Ryan met us there and picked up Roy and the boys to go play golf. We didn't know this at the time but the golf course doesn't allow children on the course. So Roy and Ryan didn't get to play! I felt really bad! Mom and dad left the outlet mall before Sandra and I. Sandra and I left the outlet mall to go to Quilted Bear. It is this awesome store that kind of reminds me of a flea market. A bunch of different vendors set up their own booths and sell hand crafted things. We got there a 7pm and they close at 7pm. I was so upset!! We just went back to mom and dad's and ate corn on the cob, watermelon, cantaloupe, salad, and some leftover stuff.
Friday, on the way to the airport, mom and dad drove us to Quilted Bear so I could take a look around. I was so glad I was able to go! I absolutely love that store!! Then they dropped us off at the airport for our 1:30pm flight. I really did not want to leave! We finally got home at about 9pm. Roy's parents came to our house at about midnight. We really didn't stay up because we were all really tired!
Saturday we woke up and I made bacon, eggs, and waffles. Then the girls went to Target and the boys went to Lowe's. That night I made chicken tetrazini (sp?) and a birthday cake. We celebrated Roy, Leila, and Madison's birthdays. Their birthdays are all really close together. Leila's is the 9th, Roy's is the 15th, and Madison's is the 18th of September. After cake they opened their presents. Leila was so excited to get new shoes, pajamas, a barbie car, barbie jeep, a Hannah Montana barbie, a shirt, a hat, and some money.
Sunday Roy had to be at church a little early to meet with someone about a new calling. He was called to be the financial clerk. He is really excited about this calling! He was the financial clerk in Slidell and thinks that it is the best calling ever!! We only stayed for Sacrament Meeting because Roy's parents were going to be leaving and they were watching Leila and Cole for us.
We had such a great time with all of our family! We wish we all lived closer together so we could spend more time with each other!

Olivia and Leila

Our view coming home from Cascade Springs

My dad, Ana and the kids at Cascade Springs

Tristan, Leila, and Cole on an abandoned tractor by my parent's

Cole inside the bucket.

Almost all the boy cousins. The only one we are missing is
Timmons. Back row: Andrew and Cameron. Front Row L to R: Cole, Luke, Parker, Sawyer, Max, and Taylor.

Some of the girl cousins. Olivia, Mia, Leila, and Lilly

Waiting to board our airplane. Lilly was so hyper at that time!